Zelenskyy says 1st batch of US Abrams tanks arrived in Ukraine

Zelenskyy says 1st batch of US Abrams tanks arrived in Ukraine

Ukrainian president thanks allies for fulfilling their pledges

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced on Monday that the first batch of Abrams tanks promised by the US have arrived in Ukraine.

In a statement on Telegram, Zelenskky said: "Good news from (Defense) Minister (Rustam) Umerov. Abrams (tanks) are already in Ukraine, we are preparing to reinforce our brigades."

Zelenskyy thanked allies for fulfilling their pledges, adding that Kyiv is seeking new contracts to expand the supply.

The Ukrainian president also said he received reports from other ministers, including on eliminating the consequences of shelling of the city of Odesa and other settlements.

"Assistance to the victims. Covering Odesa is a priority in all my negotiations regarding air defense," he said.

The preparation for winter is underway, he said with an emphasis on the protection of critical infrastructure, shelters and "points of invincibility."

On Sept. 21, US President Joe Biden announced plans to deliver Abrams tanks to Ukraine at a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart.

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