1st Russian delegation arrives in Syria since ouster of Assad regime

1st Russian delegation arrives in Syria since ouster of Assad regime

Delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Bogdanov, Presidential Special Envoy for Syria Lavrentiev, according to Russian state media

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - A Russian delegation arrived in Damascus on Tuesday, according to Russian media, marking the first visit by Russian officials to Syria since the ouster of the Bashar Assad regime last December.

The delegation is headed by two Russian senior diplomats, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and Presidential Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev, the Russian state news agency RIA reported.

The visit came just days after the EU linked the lifting of sanctions on Syria to the withdrawal of foreign armed forces from its territory, urging Syrian authorities to require Russia to vacate its military bases in Khmeimim and Tartus.

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