2 killed, 2 police officers injured in shooting at US supermarket

2 killed, 2 police officers injured in shooting at US supermarket

Suspect was shot dead during exchange of fire with police outside Martin's Supermarket in Elkhart, says northern Indiana police official

By Fatma Zehra Solmaz

ISTANBUL (AA) - A shooting at a supermarket in northern Indiana, US, killed two people and injured two police officers on Monday, the Elkhart Police Department said.

Officers were dispatched to the scene after receiving a call about the shooting, spokesperson for the department Jessica McBrier told reporters.

“When police arrived, they found two victims who had been shot and killed inside the store,” he said.

Officers confronted the suspect outside the Martin's Supermarket in Elkhart, resulting in an exchange of fire. "The suspect was shot and killed," McBrier added.

During the exchange of fire, the two officers involved in the shooting were wounded and taken to a local hospital. “They are in stable condition,” she said.

Elkhart Police Chief Dan Milanese expressed his grief in a social media post, saying: "In this horrific situation, words cannot express the pain felt in our community when a tragic incident like this happens."

In a separate social media statement, Indiana Governor Mike Braun said he is praying for the victims and their families.

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