2 medics killed as Israeli jets strike ambulance center in southern Lebanon

2 medics killed as Israeli jets strike ambulance center in southern Lebanon

Ambulance destroyed in Israeli airstrike in Hanine town

By Wassim Seifuldine

BEIRUT (AA) – Two medics were killed in an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon on Thursday, according to a Hezbollah-affiliated medical body.

Israeli fighter jets struck an ambulance service center in the town of Hanine, leaving two medics dead, the Islamic Health Society (Hayaa) said in a statement.

An ambulance was destroyed in the attack.

Tensions have escalated along Lebanon’s border with Israel since the Israeli army launched a deadly military offensive on the Gaza Strip following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, amid an exchange of cross-border fire between Hezbollah and Israeli forces.

Over 190 people have been killed, including at least 30 civilians, since the cross-border clashes first erupted in October, according to figures released by Hezbollah and Lebanese media.

*Writing by Ahmed Asmar

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