2 statues from Roman Empire period found in Türkiye’s ancient Aspendos Theatre

2 statues from Roman Empire period found in Türkiye’s ancient Aspendos Theatre

2,000-year-old ‘fascinating, elegant’ depictions of Zeus and Aphrodite unearthed during excavations, says culture, tourism minister

By Merve Berker

ANKARA (AA) – The Turkish culture and tourism minister said on Monday that two “magnificent” statues from the Roman Imperial Period were discovered in Türkiye’s ancient Aspendos Theatre.

“We are working to leave a legacy to the future,” Mehmet Nuri Ersoy said on X.

“During the excavations carried out as part of our Heritage to the Future Project in the Ancient City of Aspendos, two magnificent statues from the Roman Imperial Period were discovered,” he stated.

“Fascinating, elegant 2,000-year-old depictions of Zeus and Aphrodite were unearthed during excavations carried out in the Two-Storey Shops-Stoa Complex,” the official stressed.

“I hope that the works and structures we will reveal will be beneficial to the cultural and tourism life of our country,” he added.

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