4 injured in car bombing in northern Syrian city of Manbij

4 injured in car bombing in northern Syrian city of Manbij

Bomb planted in vehicle exploded in Rabita neighborhood of Manbij district, according to initials reports

By Ayse Irem Tiryaki and Omer Koparan

DAMASCUS, Syria (AA) - A car bomb attack in Syria's Manbij city left four people injured, according to initial reports.

A bomb planted in a vehicle exploded in the Rabita neighborhood of the Manbij district, which is part of the larger Aleppo governorate.

The attack also caused damage to the surrounding area.

Security measures in the region have been tightened and no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

On Dec. 31, 2024, three people were killed in the attacks carried out by the terrorist organization PKK/YPG in Manbij.

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