Ahead of Trump inauguration, Quad diplomats hold separate meetings in US

Ahead of Trump inauguration, Quad diplomats hold separate meetings in US

Joint meeting of foreign ministers from Japan, Australia and India plus US secretary of state nominee expected to be held after inauguration of Donald Trump

By Saadet Gokce

ISTANBUL (AA) – Top diplomats of the Quad group of nations held separate meetings in Washington ahead of Monday’s presidential inauguration of Donald Trump.

The foreign ministers of Japan, Australia, and India are attending the inauguration of Trump, marking his return to the White House after four years out of power.

Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya and his Australian counterpart Penny Wong met on Sunday and the two discussed several issues in the wider Asia-Pacific, according to a Japanese Foreign Ministry statement.

The two agreed to promote multidimensional cooperation with the US including efforts made by the US-led Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, known as the Quad, a loose security alliance between the four nations.

“Japan and Australia to play a leading role in realizing a ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific,’ working hand in hand with the United States and other like-minded countries,” read the statement.

Iwaya also separately met his Indian counterpart S. Jaishankar.

During the meeting, Iwaya said Japan and India “share common values and discussed the issue of strengthening cooperation” within the framework of the Quad.

A joint Quad meeting between the top diplomats of the four countries is set to take place on Tuesday including Marco Rubio, Trump’s pick for US secretary of state.

Kaynak:Source of News

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