Anadolu captures images of fish in depths of Red Sea

Anadolu captures images of fish in depths of Red Sea

Yellowfin goatfish, triggerfish, balloon fish, Napoleon fish, stingray recorded by underwater photographer Tahsin Ceylan

By Can Efesoy

ANKARA (AA) – Anadolu on Thursday captured the images of the underwater beauty of the Red Sea and the fish population.

Tahsin Ceylan, underwater photographer and videographer, and the diving team arrived at the location where the diving would take place by boat in the Red Sea after sunrise.

Ceylan captured the images of the underwater beauty of the Red Sea, one of the leading locations in the world in diving tourism, and the presence of fish there.

A group of dolphins and clown fish swimming around coral reefs attracted many blue-lovers.​​​​​​​

The team also recorded yellowfin goatfish, triggerfish, balloon fish, Napoleon fish and stingrays.

*Writing by Gozde Bayar

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