Anti-tank missile from Lebanon hits house in northern Israel

Anti-tank missile from Lebanon hits house in northern Israel

Hezbollah claims it targeted Zebdine, Rweisat Al-Alam, Manara sites, ‘causing direct hits’

By Stephanie Rady and Said Amori

BEIRUT (AA) - An anti-tank missile from southern hit a house Saturday in northern Israel, according to Israeli media.

“An anti-tank missile launched from southern Lebanon hit a house in Metula, without causing any casualties,” Israeli Army Radio reported.

The broadcaster did not note further details.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese Hezbollah group announced it conducted several military operations against Israeli positions along the southern Lebanese border.

The group reported in separate statements that its elements targeted a Merkava tank with a guided missile that resulted in its destruction and casualties for the crew.

It also said it targeted the Zebdine site in the occupied Shebaa Farms with artillery shells, “causing direct hits.”

Hezbollah fighters also targeted “surveillance equipment at the Rweisat Al-Alam site, in the hills of Kfar Shuba in southern Lebanon, with appropriate weapons, causing direct hits and subsequent destruction,” according to a statement.

The group added separately that elements targeted “a building used by enemy soldiers in the Manara settlement with rocket weapons, causing direct hits.”

Lebanon’s National News Agency reported that Israeli warplanes carried out an airstrike on the outskirts of the towns of Jebbayn and Tayr Harfa, and two strikes on Yaroun and Ayta Ash-Shaab in southern Lebanon.

Tensions have escalated along Lebanon’s border with Israel since the Israeli army launched a deadly military offensive on the Gaza Strip following an Oct. 7 attack by the Palestinian resistance group. Hamas, amid an exchange of cross-border fire between Hezbollah and Israeli forces in the deadliest clashes since the two sides fought a full-scale war in 2006.

*Writing by Rania Abu Shamala

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