Belgium’s academic community petitions for end to collaborations with Israel

Belgium’s academic community petitions for end to collaborations with Israel

Over 6,600 professors, researchers, students sign open letter urging Belgian universities to sever ties with Israeli institutions

By Mevlut Ozkan

ISTANBUL (AA) – More than 6,600 members of the Belgian academic community signed an open letter calling for their universities to end collaborations with Israeli institutions due to ongoing human rights violations and genocide in Gaza.

The letter, signed by professors, researchers, university staff, and students, accuses Israeli universities of complicity in human rights violations and the ongoing genocide in Gaza, urging Belgian universities to align their policies with international law, according to Belga News.

Among the signatories is Belgian Deputy Prime Minister Petra de Sutter, alongside international figures such as Greta Thunberg, Ken Loach, Brian Eno, and Nancy Fraser, who hold honorary doctorates from Belgian universities.

The letter is under review by the Flemish Interuniversity Council and the Francophone Council of Rectors.

It references recent rulings by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, including arrest warrants issued for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Signed by 29 deans, 64 department heads, 1,107 professors, 1,518 researchers, 634 administrative staff, and 3,290 students, the letter represents the most unified condemnation of alleged human rights violations in Gaza and Palestine by Belgium’s academic community.

This boycott initiative follows earlier student protests and could establish a precedent for how Belgian universities address global human rights concerns.

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