Biden set to return to White House on Tuesday

Biden set to return to White House on Tuesday

President scheduled to receive daily briefing, which will be closed to the press

By Diyar Guldogan

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President Joe Biden is set to return to the White House on Tuesday as he continues to recover from COVID-19.

Later in the day, he is scheduled to receive the daily briefing, which will be closed to the press.

Biden's COVID-19 symptoms "have almost resolved completely," his doctor said early Monday after the president was diagnosed with the virus last week.

"His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature remain absolutely normal. His oxygen saturation continues to be excellent on room air. His lungs remain clear," Dr. Kevin O'Connor said in a brief memo distributed by the White House.

Biden, who has been in self-isolation at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, ended his presidential re-election campaign on Sunday and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him as the Democratic presidential candidate.

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