Biden voices 'continued support' for Ukraine in call with Zelenskyy

Biden voices 'continued support' for Ukraine in call with Zelenskyy

US president wanted call after canceling trip to Europe where he was to meet Zelenskyy in-person

​​​​​​​By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) - Outgoing US President Joe Biden voiced "continued support" for Ukraine on Friday during what could be his final telephone call with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden wanted to make the call because he was due to meet in-person with Zelenskyy on what was to be his final foreign trip in office, but the visit was called off at the last-minute due to the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles.

Additional details on the conversation were not immediately available, but the White House is expected to issue a readout later Friday.

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