Biden's physician says he is experiencing 'mild' COVID symptoms, taking antiviral

Biden's physician says he is experiencing 'mild' COVID symptoms, taking antiviral

Dr. Kevin O'Connor says president's symptoms affecting his respiratory system, but Biden 'does not have a fever and his vital signs remain normal'

By Michael Hernandez

WASHINGTON (AA) - US President Joe Biden continues to experience "mild" symptoms after being diagnosed with the coronavirus and is taking the Paxlovid antiviral drug, his physician said Thursday.

Kevin O'Connor said the president's symptoms are affecting his respiratory system, and in a five-sentence memo indicated that Biden "does not have a fever and his vital signs remain normal."

"He will continue to conduct the business of the American people," he wrote. "With the president's permission, I will continue to provide regular updates, as we have done before."

The White House confirmed Wednesday that Biden tested positive while campaigning in Las Vegas, Nevada. Biden's diagnosis was announced by the president of a Latino civil rights advocacy group that the president was due to address on Wednesday.

The speech was canceled. But Biden did attend a campaign event at the Original Lindo Michoacan Restaurant in Las Vegas, where he met and took selfies with patrons. He also took was interviewed by Spanish-language broadcaster, Univision.

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