China executes man for car-ramming attack that killed 35 people

China executes man for car-ramming attack that killed 35 people

Fan Weiqiu, 62, rammed his car into people outside a sports complex on Nov. 11, 2024 in Zhuhai city of southern Guangdong province

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) - China on Monday executed a man who rammed his car into the public, leaving 35 people dead and 42 others injured.

Fan Weiqiu, 62, was given a death sentence last month over the incident that took place outside a sports complex on Nov. 11, 2024 in the Zhuhai city of southern Guangdong province.

The driver “responsible for the Zhuhai car crash that resulted in 35 deaths, has been executed,” Ifeng News reported.

He had also been stripped of his political rights for life by Zhuhai Intermediate People's Court.

In China, the death penalty remains a significant aspect of the judicial system, with various high-profile cases drawing attention to its application.

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