China says it opposes US interference in Cuba under pretext of counterterrorism

China says it opposes US interference in Cuba under pretext of counterterrorism

Beijing ‘commends Cuba for its effort to fight terrorism,’ says Foreign Ministry spokesperson

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) - China on Wednesday said it firmly opposes the US “interference” in Cuba’s internal affairs under the pretext of counterterrorism and its “political suppression and economic sanctions” against the island nation.

“China commends Cuba for its effort to fight terrorism, “Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a news briefing in Beijing.

He was responding to a question regarding the designation of Cuba as “a “state sponsor of terrorism” by the US despite being removed from Washington’s list of countries not fully cooperating against terrorism.

“China calls on the US to handle its relations with Cuba in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the norms in international relations,” Mao said.

The US, he added, “needs to lift all its blockade and sanctions on Cuba, properly solve disputes and differences through dialogue and negotiation, and contribute to improving US-Cuba relations and keeping the Americas peaceful and stable.”

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