China’s relations with UAE fine example for Arab states: Xi

China’s relations with UAE fine example for Arab states: Xi

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan pays state visit to China

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) - China’s President Xi Jinping on Thursday said bilateral relations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were a “fine example” of Beijing’s relations with Arab nations.

He made the comments as the Chinese president hosted his UAE counterpart Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan for official talks in Beijing, according to Hua Chunying, spokeswoman of China’s Foreign Ministry.

Al Nahyan is on a state visit to China where he also attended the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

“The UAE is China’s important comprehensive strategic partner, and China-UAE relations have set a fine example for China’s relations with Arab states in the new era,” Xi told Al Nahyan.

He said China will work with the UAE to “view the bilateral relationship from a strategic height and long-term perspective.”

Xi stressed on keeping the “right direction” of bilateral relations to “ensure the sound, sustained development of China-UAE comprehensive strategic partnership.”

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