Chinese tech giant Xiaomi opens factory in Turkey

Chinese tech giant Xiaomi opens factory in Turkey

Xiaomi's production plant in Istanbul to employ 2,000 people

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - China's leading technology company Xiaomi jointly launched a production facility in Istanbul on Monday with supply giant Salcomp.

The firm announced its plan to open a factory in Turkey with an investment of $30 million in February.

Turkey is the fourth country in the world where the brand has production plants.

In a message sent to the opening ceremony, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey offers important opportunities for foreign investors due to its dynamic labor force and strategic location.

Turkey is open for demands by foreign investors to build research and development, and design centers within the country, he stressed.

The factory, which was established on a 14,000-square-meter (around 150,700-square-feet) area, will have a capacity of producing five million devices annually and create 2,000 jobs, he noted.

Kaynak:Source of News

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