Copenhagen University to divest from 3 companies operating in occupied Palestinian territory

Copenhagen University to divest from 3 companies operating in occupied Palestinian territory

Decision meets 1 of demands of pro-Palestine students holding encampments in school’s main garden

By Ebad Ahmed

PRAGUE, Czech Republic (AA) - The University of Copenhagen announced Tuesday it would divest from three commercial entities operating in the occupied West Bank.

“From tomorrow (May 29) KU will no longer have investments in funds that have Airbnb, Booking[.]com and the online travel company eDreams ODIGEO in their portfolio,” it said in a statement on X. “There were investments in the three companies for a total of around DKK 1 million. ($1.08 million)”

It said the decision was in line with the board's strategy for financial risk management and ethical investment policy.

“In addition, the decision aligns with the reflections the rectorate has made on the basis of conversations with students and staff in connection with the conflict in Israel and Palestine,” it added.

The decision comes in the wake of encampments by hundreds of pro-Palestinian students at the university’s main campus under a collective, Students Against Occupation, since the beginning of May.

One key demand of protesters is the school divest from commercial entities linked to the occupation of the West Bank while pressing the university’s administration to declare Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip a genocide.

“The University of Copenhagen should recognize the ongoing genocide in Gaza and demand an immediate cease-fire and an immediate end to the siege in Gaza. We demand that they terminate any or all purchase agreements with companies supplying the Israeli army or otherwise complacent in the occupation of Palestine,” Emil, a representative of the collective, told Anadolu. “And we also demand they cut all ties with Israeli academic institutions.”

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