Danish court sends man to 12 days in jail for assaulting prime minister

Danish court sends man to 12 days in jail for assaulting prime minister

Arrest report says there is a possibility that accused was under influence as he appeared absent, lethargic and mumbling at the time of the arrest

By Ebad Ahmed

PRAGUE, Czech Republic (AA) - A Danish court on Saturday afternoon ordered a 12-day imprisonment for a man arrested for assaulting Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, state media broadcaster DR reported.

According to broadcaster, the Copenhagen police filed charges against a 39-year-old Polish man under section 119 (1) of the Danish Criminal Code, cf. section 81 (7) on violence and threats for assaulting a person in public service or office in a hearing at the Court of Frederiksberg.

The charge said that the man pushed the prime minister off course by hitting her with his fist on her right upper arm.

During the preliminary hearing, the accused was accompanied by an interpreter, who translated the hearing to him in Polish.

According to the arrest report, there is a possibility that the accused was under the influence during the incident as he appeared absent, lethargic and mumbling at the time of the arrest.

The report said that the 39-year-old man knew the prime minister through social media.

At the preliminary hearing, the accused pleaded not guilty and said that he was “pleasantly surprised” to see the premier, and denied any grudge he holds against her, adding that he thinks she is a “really good prime minister.”

The accused said that he does not remember much from the episode and he was at the site of the incident to enjoy his Friday evening.

The Copenhagen police, after the hearing, said that it has not found any political motivation behind the assault, and called it “a single, spontaneous act."

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