Drones mapping affected areas as volcano Ibu erupts again in Indonesia

Drones mapping affected areas as volcano Ibu erupts again in Indonesia

Mount Ibu volcano, located in eastern Halmahera Island, has erupted almost 100 times this year

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) - Indonesian officials have been using drones to map the affected areas after the Mount Ibu volcano erupted again on Thursday.

The volcano on Mount Ibu, located on the eastern Halmahera Island in the North Maluku province, erupted again throwing lava above 1,000 meters (3,280 feet), said the Southeast Asian nation’s Geology Agency.

Experts from the National Disaster Management Agency and the Geology Agency are using drones to map the routes affected due to cold lava floods from the volcano.

“The ash column was observed to be gray in color with moderate to thick intensity,” said the agency.

The Mount Ibu volcano has erupted almost 100 times this year and the authorities have put the situation around it on the highest alert level since May 16.

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