EU foreign policy chief ‘outraged by repeated’ attacks by Israeli extremists on aid convoys

EU foreign policy chief ‘outraged by repeated’ attacks by Israeli extremists on aid convoys

Israel must hold those responsible accountable, says Josep Borrell

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – The EU foreign policy chief on Tuesday said that he is “outraged by the repeated” attacks by Israeli extremists on aid convoys on their way to Gaza.

"I am outraged by the repeated and still unchecked attacks perpetrated by Israeli extremists on aid convoys on their way to Gaza, including from Jordan," Josep Borrell said on X.

Drawing attention to the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, Borrell said that Israeli authorities “must stop these operations and hold those responsible accountable."

Dozens of Israeli right-wing extremists blocked on Monday aid trucks at the Tarqumiya crossing, and destroyed life-saving goods, which were desperately needed by the people of Gaza.

Despite international pressure, Israeli authorities have severely restricted the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, pushing hundreds of thousands of civilians toward famine.

Israel has waged a brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip in retaliation for an Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas attack, which killed 1,200 people.

More than 35,100 Palestinians have since been killed in Gaza, the vast majority of whom have been women and children, and over 79,000 others injured, according to Palestinian health authorities.

Israel is accused of “genocide” at the International Court of Justice, which has ordered Tel Aviv to ensure its forces do not commit acts of genocide and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

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