Eurozone retail sales rebound slightly in November

Eurozone retail sales rebound slightly in November

Retail trade volume up 0.1% from a month ago in November 2024, official data shows

By Tuba Ongun

Eurozone retail sales posted a slight recovery in November following a decline the month prior, according to data released on Thursday.

The volume of retail trade rose 0.1% month-on-month in November, shifting from a 0.3% drop last October, Eurostat figures showed.

Sales volumes inched up 0.1% for food, drinks, and tobacco and 0.8% for automotive fuel while falling 0.6% for non-food products (except automotive fuel).

On a yearly basis, retail sales in the euro area grew 1.2% in November.

The eurozone/euro area, or EA19, represents EU member states that use the bloc's single currency, the euro, while the EU27 includes all of its member countries.

For the entire EU, retail sales climbed 0.2% on a monthly basis and 1.2% on an annual basis.

The largest monthly rises in total retail trade volume were seen in the Greek Cypriot Administration (2.3%), Bulgaria (1.3%), and Denmark and Latvia (both 1.1%).

On the other hand, the steepest monthly declines were reported in Belgium (2.4%), Germany and Spain (both 0.6%), as well as in Poland and Finland (both 0.2%).

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