Evacuations continue amid lava flows at Indonesia’s Mount Ibu

Evacuations continue amid lava flows at Indonesia’s Mount Ibu

Jakarta raised alert to highest last week because of volcano eruption

​​​​​​​By Saadet Gokce

ISTANBUL (AA) – Evacuations continued in Indonesia because of lava flows from Mount Ibu, the Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency said Monday.

The evacuation process in West Halmahera is ongoing and will be carried out for 24 hours, it said.

Indonesia raised its alert level for the mountain to its highest last Wednesday and evacuations began Thursday.

The Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency, cited by The Mount Ibu Observation Post, recorded 54 eruptions with the height of the eruption column varying from 400 to 1,500 meters (1,312 to 4,921 feet).

Residents are advised to not approach a radius of 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) and a sectoral extension of 6 kilometers toward the active crater.

With more than 120 active volcanoes, Indonesia, situated along the Pacific Ring of Fire, sees the highest level of seismic activity and volcanic eruptions globally.

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