Flouting cease-fire deal, Israeli fighter jets target southern Lebanon

Flouting cease-fire deal, Israeli fighter jets target southern Lebanon

Israeli drones also flew over Lebanese capital Beirut and its southern suburbs, says Lebanese state media

By Mohammad Sio

ISTANBUL (AA) - The Israeli military late Monday announced ongoing attacks on targets in Lebanon, marking escalating violations of the cease-fire agreement, less than a week old.

A military statement said that the Israeli army is “currently striking targets in Lebanon. Details to follow.”

According to Lebanon's state National News Agency, Israeli warplanes carried out two airstrikes near the town of Jbaa and the area between Houmine El-Fawqa and Deir Ez-Zahrani in southern Lebanon

The agency added that Israeli warplanes also carried out airstrikes on multiple areas in Iqlim al-Tuffah, also in southern Lebanon.

Additionally, Israeli drones flew over the capital Beirut and its southern suburbs, said the agency.

An Israeli military statement later said they had detected rockets launched toward northern Israel, prompting air raid sirens in Lehavot HaBashan, southeast of Kiryat Shmona.

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