Foreign direct investment flows to Türkiye hit $9.6B in 11 months

Foreign direct investment flows to Türkiye hit $9.6B in 11 months

Netherlands largest source of FDI, accounting for 20% of total, says sectoral group

​​​​​By Tuba Ongun

Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to Türkiye dropped 3% year-on-year to $9.6 billion last January-November, the International Investors Association (YASED) said Monday.

Equity capital inflow rose 9% to $5.5 billion in the first 11 months of last year, the sectoral group said, citing data from the Turkish Central Bank.

The Netherlands was the largest source of FDI flows, accounting for 20% of the total, followed by Germany with 13% and the US at 11%.

In November, Türkiye attracted $1.14 billion worth of FDI, including $721 million in equity capital inflows.

About $194 million was received through real estate investments from foreigners in the 11-month period.

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