French president urges stronger European defense autonomy amid global challenges

French president urges stronger European defense autonomy amid global challenges

'We cannot remain dependent. Who can guarantee that in 10 or 15 years, our allies’ priorities won’t shift elsewhere?' says Emmanuel Macron

By Necva Tastan Sevinc

ISTANBUL (AA) - In a resolute address to the armed forces, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized on Monday the urgency of strengthening both France’s military and European defense autonomy amid escalating global threats.

Speaking to military personnel and key defense officials, Macron underscored France’s leadership role in Europe’s security and called for swift adaptation to evolving geopolitical realities.

“You have been present on every front,” Macron declared, lauding the armed forces for their efforts over the past year. He highlighted their role in disaster relief, counterterrorism, and securing the Olympic Games.

“From the shores of Normandy to the Indo-Pacific, from cyber to space, you have shown audacity, pride, and unity,” he said, noting their contributions to France's national and global stature.

Addressing the war in Ukraine, Macron affirmed France’s commitment to supporting Kyiv.

“Ukraine today is the sentinel of Europe,” he stated.

“This conflict will not end tomorrow, nor the day after. It has fundamentally altered our security landscape, and we must provide Ukraine with the means to endure and enter future negotiations from a position of strength.”

Macron emphasized that the war underscores the need for Europe to take greater responsibility for its security.

“There can be no peace and security in Europe without the active involvement of Europeans," he said.

Macron also touched on the strategic implications of the Arctic, particularly the Greenland region.

“Who could have imagined just a year ago that Greenland would become a central focus of strategic debates?” he asked, citing the geopolitical shifts caused by climate change and the melting of Arctic ice.

Reiterating his vision for European defense autonomy, Macron warned against reliance on external powers.

“We cannot remain dependent. Who can guarantee that in 10 or 15 years, our allies’ priorities won’t shift elsewhere? Europe must ensure its own security,” he said.

Macron called for streamlined defense acquisitions and greater investment in European industries, stressing: “We need to simplify, integrate, and create European champions to avoid the fragmentation that weakens us."

Concluding his speech, Macron called for action, saying: “Our defense must match the risks of this era. Together, we will ensure France remains strong, united, and sovereign."

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