G7, partners reject 'malign' activities by Russia

G7, partners reject 'malign' activities by Russia

'The G7 RRM and likeminded global partners stand together in countering these ongoing malign activities,' says statement

By Burak Bir

LONDON (AA) - The G7 Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) on Friday rejected “malign” activities by Russia, saying that the Kremlin has "funded and directed covert efforts."

In a statement, the G7 RRM said it notes recent statements by the US, UK, and Canada exposing the ongoing “covert” activities of Russian state media outlet RT (formerly Russia Today) and the Social Design Agency (SDA).

"These statements reveal that the Kremlin has funded and directed covert efforts by these entities to subvert societies using global disinformation and influence campaigns," said the statement by G7 countries and G7 RRM Observer states – Australia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden.

Expressing concerns over activities by these two entities, the statement said that the "deceitful tactic” aims to “exploit social and political issues to polarize and weaken societies, to undermine and delegitimize elected governments, and to advance the Kremlin’s malign interests."

"This includes diverting attention from the atrocities committed and humanitarian crises caused by its war of aggression against Ukraine," it added.

"The G7 RRM and likeminded global partners stand together in countering these ongoing malign activities," the statement said.

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