Georgians taste Aegean flavors during Turkish Cuisine Week

Georgians taste Aegean flavors during Turkish Cuisine Week

Event organized by Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry with leadership of Turkish first lady, says Türkiye’s Embassy in Tbilisi

By Davit Kachkachishvili

TBILISI, Georgia (AA) - Dishes from the Aegean Sea region were showcased in the Georgian capital as part of a Turkish Cuisine Week event, Türkiye's Embassy in Tbilisi said on Friday.

At the embassy residence, Turkish Ambassador Ali Kaan Orbay hosted the reception, featuring a table laden with delectable Aegean food, with the Caucasus nation's Deputy Interior Minister Giorgi Butkhuzi attending along with individuals from the local business and art scene.

Speaking at the dinner program, Orbay told guests about healthy and traditional northern Aegean flavors.

Events celebrating Turkish cuisine were held across the world over the course of a week this month, spearheaded by Turkish first lady Emine Erdogan and the country's Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

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