German chancellor says G-20 countries against use of nuclear weapons

German chancellor says G-20 countries against use of nuclear weapons

G-20 summit has shown Russia that world public opinion does not approve of 'violent principles of Russian policy,' says Scholz

By Cuneyt Karadag

BERLIN (AA) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Sunday said the G-20 countries have once again made a clear commitment against the use of nuclear weapons in the final declaration adopted in India.

At a press conference in India, Scholz emphasized that the countries of Europe, America, Asia, and Africa have shown a new unity and the summit gave a "clear message" on Ukraine's "unquestionable" territorial integrity.

"These are good results," he said and added that this cooperation has shown Russia that the world public opinion does not approve of the "violent principles of Russian policy."

Asked about the possibility of Russian President Vladimir Putin attending the G-20 summit to be held in Brazil next year, Scholz said that he does not want to be part of such "speculation."

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