German metal music band Accept to perform in Istanbul

German metal music band Accept to perform in Istanbul

Accept’s concert in Türkiye is part of band’s world tour following release of their new album Humanoid in April

By Omer Faruk Yildiz

ISTANBUL (AA) – German heavy metal music band, Accept, has announced that it will perform in Türkiye in October after 14 years.

Accept, a metal music pioneer in Germany, will perform at Istanbul's Kucukciftlik Park on Oct. 17.

Accept’s concert in Türkiye is part of the band’s world tour following the release of their new album Humanoid in April.

It will be organized with the contributions of Yuzdeyuz Metal and the Epifoni organization.

Accept, founded in 1976 in the city of Solingen, Germany, by Wolf Hoffmann, Udo Dirkschneider, and Peter Baltes, rose to international prominence with hits like "Balls To The Wall," "Metal Heart," "Breaker," and "Head Over Heels."

The group's current lineup includes Wolf Hoffmann on guitar, Mark Tornillo on vocals, Uwe Lulis and Philip Shouse on rhythm guitar, Christopher Williams on drums, and Martin Motnik on bass guitar. They last played in Istanbul in 2010.

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