Germany accuses China of providing drone assistance to Russia

Germany accuses China of providing drone assistance to Russia

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warns of ‘consequences’; Beijing rejects allegations

By Oliver Towfigh Nia

BERLIN (AA) - Germany on Monday accused China of providing drone assistance to Russia in its war with Ukraine that began in February 2022 and is about to enter its 1,000th day.

“This must and will have consequences,” said Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on the sidelines of an EU meeting in Brussels.

The war against Ukraine is also an attack on freedom in Europe and affects the core interests of all European states, she added.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) earlier confirmed it was examining indications that drones were being produced in China for Russia's war efforts.

"We have received reports from intelligence sources about the existence of a factory in China that produces drones that are supplied to Russia and used in the war against Ukraine," an unnamed EU official said.

The EEAS, the bloc's diplomatic arm, is currently working on finding out whether there is direct cooperation between China and Russia in the area of ​​military equipment. If this is confirmed, sanctions could be imposed.

According to diplomats, drone production in China is said to be a joint project between Russia, China and Iran.

China, which enjoys a "no limits" partnership with Russia, rejected the allegations.

With regard to arms exports, China has always taken a responsible stance and has never provided the parties to the conflict with lethal weapons, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian in Beijing ahead of the EU foreign ministers' meeting.

China strictly controls drones for military purposes and those that can be used for civil and military purposes in accordance with the law, the spokesman said, adding that Beijing hopes certain countries and people do not make baseless speculations against China and do not denigrate the People's Republic without any factual basis.

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