Germany's manufacturing sector sees drop in new orders

Germany's manufacturing sector sees drop in new orders

In April 2024, orders down by 1.6% versus April 2023, and by 0.2% versus March 2024

By Gokhan Ergocun

ISTANBUL (AA) - New orders fell in the German manufacturing industry in April on a yearly and monthly basis, the federal statistical bureau Destatis revealed on Thursday.

Orders dropped by 1.6% year-on-year in April and 0.2% month-on-month, Destatis stated.

"New orders in April 2024 declined in four branches of manufacturing due to the significantly smaller number of large-scale orders compared with the previous month," Destatis said.

It stressed: "This was particularly reflected in the 15.4% decrease of new orders in the manufacture of other transport equipment (aircraft, ships, trains) compared with March 2024, after seasonal and calendar adjustment."

The declines in the manufacturing of computer, electronic, and optical products (minus 5.1%), electrical equipment (minus 4.1%), and machinery and equipment (minus 1.5%) were also attributable to the lack of large-scale orders, it added.

"By contrast, the increase in the automotive industry (+4.1%) had a positive impact on the overall result," it noted.

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