Germany's trade surplus climbs to $20.3B in November

Germany's trade surplus climbs to $20.3B in November

Germany's exports fell 3.5% while its imports saw 2.9% decline year-on-year in November

By Mucahithan Avcioglu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Germany's foreign trade surplus rose to €19.7 billion ($20.3 billion) month-on-month in November from October's €13.4 billion, according to official data from Destatis released on Thursday.

On a yearly basis, Germany's exports fell 3.5% to €127.3 billion in November, while its imports dropped 2.9% to €107.6 billion.

On a monthly basis, Germany’s exports rose 2.1% to €127.3 billion and its imports fell 3.3% to €107.6 billion in November compared to October.

Germany's exports to fellow EU members totaled €67.8 billion in November, while its imports from these countries were €55.0 billion in the same period.

The country's exports to countries outside the EU amounted to €59.5 billion in November 2024, while imports from these countries totaled €52.6 billion.

Most German exports in November 2024 went to the US, up 14.5% from October, with the value of exports to the US rising to €14.0 billion.

Exports to China fell 4.2% to €6.6 billion and exports to the UK rose 8.6% to €7.2 billion.

Germany’s imports in November came mostly from China, totaling €13.4 billion.

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