Ghanaian chef cooks for 227 hours for a new world record

Ghanaian chef cooks for 227 hours for a new world record

Failatu is the latest Ghanaian to attempt a Guinness World Record in the space of one month

By Enoch Fiifi Forson

ACCRA, Ghana (AA) - A Ghanaian chef, Failatu Abdul-Razak, has seemingly set a new world record for the longest continuous cooking session, surpassing the previous record held by Irishman Alan Fisher.

Abdul-Razak accomplished an extraordinary feat, cooking non-stop between Jan. 1 and 10 for an impressive 227 hours in Tamale, Ghana's third-largest city, surpassing her initial goal of 120 hours.

Expressing her pride in representing Ghana, Failatu Abdul-Razak and her team are currently in the process of submitting evidence to Guinness World Records for official recognition.

The record-breaking endeavor garnered widespread attention and support from various sectors, including politicians, celebrities, and, notably, the military, where her husband is a member.

This remarkable achievement closely follows another record-breaking attempt by Ghanaian media personality AfuaAsantewaa, who sang continuously for 126 hours to set a new Guinness World Record for the longest singing marathon.

The extraordinary cook-a-thon has not only captured the attention of Ghanaians but has also attracted global interest, shining a spotlight on the country's vibrant culinary culture and the unwavering determination of its people.

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