Global cooperation at critical juncture: World Economic Forum

Global cooperation at critical juncture: World Economic Forum

Cooperation stalled by rising geopolitical tension, while climate finance, trade, innovation shows hope, says report

By Mucahithan Avcioglu

ISTANBUL (AA) — Global cooperation is at a critical juncture with growing political tensions in the Middle East, Ukraine and Sudan, the World Economic Forum (WEF) said Tuesday.

The WEF's Global Cooperation Barometer 2025, prepared in collaboration with management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, showed that global cooperation has flatlined.

International cooperation stalled amid rising geopolitical tensions and instability, but positive momentum in climate finance, trade and innovation showed promise.​​​​​​​

The stalling of global cooperation could have dire consequences for the global economy and people worldwide.

“The lack of progress comes as the past year is expected to be the hottest on record, the global economy is in a historically weak position, and global security is at a crisis point,” said the report.

It also added that major international organizations have been largely unsuccessful in preventing wars and conflicts.

On the other hand, world leaders need to find new and "disordered" ways to further global cooperation.

"Being agile and pivoting to cooperative solutions will both deliver results and build trust among constituencies, creating a virtuous cycle in which trust in cooperation deepens and new opportunities for shared solutions emerge,” it said.

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