Global passenger demand rises 8.1% in November

Global passenger demand rises 8.1% in November

Load factor reaches record high for November at 83.4%

By Tuba Ongun

Global passenger demand posted a robust 8.1% annual rise in November 2024, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) reported on Thursday.

The growth, measured in revenue passenger kilometers (RPK), reflected strong performance across both international and domestic markets.

Capacity, measured in available seat kilometers (ASK), also grew by 5.7% year-on-year.

The load factor reached a record high for November at 83.4%, up by 1.9 percentage points from last year.

International markets led the growth with demand rising 11.6% year-on-year thanks to European and Asia-Pacific regions.

Capacity on international routes increased by 8.6%, and the load factor climbed 2.3 percentage points to 83.4%.

Domestic markets saw more moderate growth, with demand increasing 3.1%. Capacity rose 1.5% year-on-year, and the domestic load factor improved by 1.2 points to 83.5%.

Despite these positive results, IATA’s Director General Willie Walsh highlighted ongoing challenges for the aviation sector.

He pointed to supply chain issues in aerospace manufacturing, which are delaying aircraft deliveries and hampering airlines' ability to meet growing demand, modernize fleets, and improve environmental performance.

Walsh urged the aerospace industry to prioritize resolving supply chain bottlenecks in 2025.

"The 2025 New Year’s resolution for the aerospace manufacturing sector must be finding a fast and durable solution for their supply chain issues," Walsh said.

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