Global semiconductor sales set monthly record in November

Global semiconductor sales set monthly record in November

Global sales of semiconductors hit $57.8B in November, setting new record

By Mucahithan Avcioglu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Global semiconductor sales set a new monthly record in November with $57.8 billion, up 1.6% from October 2024, the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) said on Tuesday.

Annual global sales also rose 20.7% compared to November of 2023.

Regionally, semiconductor sales jumped 54.9% year-on-year in the Americas, 12.1% in China, 10% in Asia-Pacific, and 7.4% in Japan, while falling 5.7% in Europe.

On the new figures, SIA Chief Executive John Neuffer said the global semiconductor market continued to grow significantly in November.

“Monthly sales increased for the eighth consecutive month, reaching the highest monthly sales total ever." he said.

"On an annual basis, sales grew by more than 20% for the fourth consecutive month, driven by a 54.9% increase in the Americas.”

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