Greece worried about rising tensions on Lebanese-Israeli border

Greece worried about rising tensions on Lebanese-Israeli border

‘Our region cannot afford another war,’ warns Foreign Ministry

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) – Greece on Saturday expressed concern about rising tensions on the Lebanese-Israeli border.

“Greece is profoundly worried by the growing tensions at the border between Israel and Lebanon,” said the Foreign Ministry on X.

Urging all parties to the conflict to focus on de-escalation to end the hostilities in line with UNSC resolution 1701, the ministry warned: “Our region cannot afford another war.

Tension has flared along the border between Lebanon and Israel amid intermittent exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and Hezbollah, in the deadliest clashes since the two sides fought a full-scale war in 2006.

The border tension comes amid an Israeli military onslaught in the Gaza Strip that has killed over 36,700 people since Oct. 7.

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