Greek premier, British Museum hold private meetings over return of ancient Elgin Marbles

Greek premier, British Museum hold private meetings over return of ancient Elgin Marbles

Kyriakos Mitsotakis to discuss ancient Parthenon Sculptures in meeting with UK premier on Tuesday, according to British media

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) - Greek Premier Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the British Museum officials held private meetings over the return of ancient Elgin Marbles, according to a UK media report on Monday.

Citing a senior governmental source, Sky News said Mitsotakis and Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis had up to three private meetings with trustees of the British Museum and chair George Osborne about returning the Elgin Marbles, also known as Parthenon Sculptures, this year.

The news came ahead of Mitsotakis’ visit to London, where he is expected to discuss the sculptures in a meeting with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Tuesday.

Former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak canceled a meeting with Mitsotakis last year and believed the collection should remain in his country.

However, Starmer is thought to be more favorable to a return of the sculptures.

British diplomat Lord Elgin removed the sculptures in the early 19th century while he was the ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, which then ruled Greece.

Elgin claimed he had been given permission by the Ottoman Empire for the transfer of the sculptures and sold them to the UK government in 1816 before the marbles were passed into the trusteeship of the British Museum.

The majority of the sculptures were created in the 5th century BC under the direction of ancient Greek sculptor and architect Phidias.

The British Museum Act 1963 prevents treasures from being legally given away by the museum.

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