Heat wave claims 21 lives in Morocco's Beni Mellal hospital

Heat wave claims 21 lives in Morocco's Beni Mellal hospital

Of deceased, 17 were already receiving treatment at hospital, says Morocco's Health Ministry

By Ahmad Bentaher and Halime Afra Aksoy

RABAT (AA) - Twenty-one deaths were reported at the Beni Mellal Regional Hospital Center in central Morocco due to heat wave.

In a statement, Morocco's Health Ministry said that of the deceased, 17 were patients already receiving treatment at the hospital.

The ministry noted that the majority of those who lost their lives were elderly individuals and patients suffering from chronic diseases.

The significant rise in temperatures reportedly exacerbated their health conditions, ultimately leading to their deaths.

Earlier in the day, the Health Ministry declared plans to implement "urgent measures to mitigate the effects of the high heat wave on people's health."

On Sunday, the Moroccan Meteorological Directorate issued a warning to citizens, predicting that temperatures could reach up to 46 degree Celsius (114.8 F) in some regions by Wednesday.

The directorate urged residents to exercise caution during this period of extreme heat.

Morocco, a North African country with a Mediterranean climate, has been grappling with increasingly high summer temperatures in recent years.

These rising temperatures have also led to an increase in forest fires, posing additional challenges for the nation.

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