Hungary, Slovakia reiterate objection to Ukraine’s NATO bid

Hungary, Slovakia reiterate objection to Ukraine’s NATO bid

2 countries are of opinion that sanctions on Russia also harm EU interests, says Hungarian premier

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) - Hungary and Slovakia reiterated their objection to Ukraine’s NATO bid, the Slovak media reported on Tuesday.

Speaking at a joint news conference in the capital city of Bratislava with the visiting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Slovakian Premier Robert Fico said: “We share the same opinion not only on what is happening in our countries, but also on the international scene,” according to state-run Tars news agency.

Regarding relations with the US, Fico said that they are on the same page with new US President Donald Trump on many things, including migration.

The Slovak prime minister also responded to criticism from opposition which says he is diverting the country from Western policies and institutions. “I emphasize that our living space is the EU and NATO, but we have the right to be critical.”

Orban, for his part, agreed with his Slovak counterpart and said: “Both countries are members of the EU and NATO. And that's how it will remain.”

On relations with Washington, he said that Europe and the US are the two pillars of the West.

Welcoming Trump’s return to office, Orban underlined that they have similar views with the US president on many essential matters.

“Therefore, we are becoming part of the ideological mainstream of the Western world,” he said.

He said that Hungary wishes a swift end to the ongoing war in Ukraine through a diplomatic solution and is opposed to sanctions on Russia, particularly in the energy sector.

Orban said that such sanctions are undermining the EU interests.

“That is why we are pleased, that Mr. Fico spoke out loudly criticizing the disruption of gas transit through Ukraine and pointed out the negative impact of this step on Europe,” he added.

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