Iranian female stunt doubles redefine film, TV industry

Iranian female stunt doubles redefine film, TV industry

‘Every day, we become more visible,’ says female professional motorcycle racer

By Ahmet Dursun

TEHRAN (AA) – Female stunt doubles in Iranian cinema and television are challenging stereotypes and earning recognition for their bravery and expertise in a field long dominated by men.

Women are reshaping the stunt industry in Iran, with their increasing roles in action films symbolizing a broader cultural shift.

Anadolu documented the rigorous physical and mental preparation required of these female stunt performers, who face high risks while performing dangerous scenes such as high falls, fire stunts, timed explosions, and advanced driving maneuvers.

Nesrin Teymuri, 32, leader of a female stunt doubles group, began her career alongside the late Ersiya Akdesi, a renowned stunt double who tragically died in a 2018 film shoot accident in Lebanon. Since 2021, Teymuri has continued her work under the Cinema House Actors and Stunt Doubles Association.

Teymuri shared her pride in seeing more women in Iran take on high-risk roles, saying: “Women were rarely seen as capable of excelling in these roles, which was frustrating. I started offering stunt training to change that, and we’ve achieved great results in TV and film.”

Mercan Rebii, a 38-year-old professional motorcycle racer and member of Teymuri’s group, expressed excitement over the growing visibility of female stunt doubles.

“For the past two years, I’ve been working with the group led by Nesrin Teymuri. Every day, we become more visible,” she said.

*Writing by Asiye Latife Yilmaz in Istanbul

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