Iranian minister arrives in Baghdad to discuss energy supplies

Iranian minister arrives in Baghdad to discuss energy supplies

Iraq’s electricity minister receives Abbas Aliabadi and his accompanying delegation at Baghdad International Airport, says Iraqi News Agency

By Laith Al-jnaidi

BAGHDAD (AA) - Iranian Energy Minister Abbas Aliabadi arrived in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Sunday with plans to hold talks with Electricity Minister Ziad Ali Fadel about energy supplies and ways to stabilize them.

"Electricity Minister Ziad Ali Fadel received Iranian Energy Minister Abbas Aliabadi and his accompanying delegation at Baghdad International Airport on Sunday evening,” said the Iraqi Electricity Ministry in a statement, the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

The two sides are scheduled to hold discussions Monday on energy supplies from Iran to Iraq, it added.

The visit comes after an Iraqi government delegation led by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani travelled to the Iranian capital Tehran last week to strengthen relations in the energy sector, the statement noted.

Al Sudani paid an official visit to Tehran last Tuesday, where he met with several Iranian officials and discussed ways to enhance cooperation between the two countries as well as regional developments.

*Writing by Rania Abu Shamala

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