Iraqi forces neutralize 2 PKK terrorists

Iraqi forces neutralize 2 PKK terrorists

'Border Forces engaged in clashes with terrorist elements affiliated with banned PKK organization in Batufa area of Zaho district,’ says Interior Ministry

By Haydar Karaalp and Esra Tekin​​​​​​​

BAGHDAD/ISTANBUL (AA) - Two PKK terrorists who killed two Iraqi border guards were neutralized, the Iraqi Interior Ministry announced Friday.

“Border Forces engaged in clashes with terrorist elements affiliated with the banned PKK organization in the Batufa area of the Zaho district. Two PKK elements who attacked our patrols were killed,” the Iraqi Border Guard Command, affiliated with the Interior Ministry, said in a statement.

Another guard was injured in the attack.

The PKK terrorist group not only targets security forces and civilians in Iraq with terror attacks that undermine the country's security and stability, but it also prevents services and development efforts from reaching hundreds of villages under its occupation.

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