Israeli premier meets German chancellor to discuss Ukraine cease-fire

Israeli premier meets German chancellor to discuss Ukraine cease-fire

Naftali Bennett makes surprise visit to Berlin late Saturday after meeting in Moscow with Russian President Putin

BERLIN (AA) - Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made a surprise visit to Berlin late Saturday to discuss diplomatic efforts for a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine.

Bennett and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke for an hour-and-a-half, and the Israeli prime minister told him about his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow earlier in the day, a German government spokesman said.

“The common goal remains to end the war in Ukraine as quickly as possible. We will make every effort for that,” German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said in a statement early on Sunday.

Bennett returned to Israel on Sunday, according to a statement by his office.

Since it was launched on Feb. 24, Russia's war on Ukraine has been met by outrage from the international community, with the EU, Britain, and US, among others, implementing a range of economic sanctions on Moscow.

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