Israeli prime minister warns Houthis will pay ‘heavy price' for attacks on Israel

Israeli prime minister warns Houthis will pay ‘heavy price' for attacks on Israel

‘As we promised, the Houthis are paying, and will continue to pay, a heavy price for their aggression against us,’ Benjamin Netanyahu says

By Seda Sevencan

ISTANBUL (AA) - The Israeli prime minister issued a stern warning Friday to the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen, vowing the group will face severe consequences for attacks on Israel.

“As we promised, the Houthis are paying, and will continue to pay, a heavy price for their aggression against us,” Benjamin Netanyahu wrote on X.

He said Tel Aviv targeted the Houthis in the western coastal strip of Yemen and deep inside that country.

Reaffirming Israel's commitment to decisive action against the Houthis, Netanyahu added that the group poses “a danger to Israel and the entire region, including a threat to global freedom of navigation.”

One person was killed and nine injured Friday in raids by Israeli, American and British coordinated airstrikes on Yemen.

Thirty-one raids hit the provinces of Sanaa and Amran, in northern Yemen and Al-Hudaydah in the west of the country, according to separate statements by Houthi-affiliated media outlets.

Houthi-run Al-Masirah TV said six raids on the port of Ras Isa in Al-Hudaydah left one employee dead and six injured.

Separately, the broadcaster said Sanaa witnessed 13 raids, including on the Sanhan district's Haziz Central Power Station that injured three civilians and damaged several nearby homes.

The Houthis have targeted Israeli cargo ships or ones linked with Tel Aviv in the Red Sea with missiles and drones in a show of support with the Gaza Strip, where more than 46,000 victims have been killed in Israel’s genocidal war since October 2023.

Since early 2024, a coalition led by the US has been carrying out airstrikes that it said target Houthi locations in Yemen in response to the group’s Red Sea attacks, with occasional retaliation from the Houthis.

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