Istanbul, Hong Kong financial hubs ink cooperation deal

Istanbul, Hong Kong financial hubs ink cooperation deal

Pact includes training programs, delegation visits, exchanging know-how and experts, and cooperation in financial ecosystem and technology

By Kazim Kaan Ulu

ISTANBUL – The Istanbul Financial Center (IFM) and Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council have signed a cooperation deal to share expertise between the two financial hubs, aiming to develop joint projects and create new opportunities, according to the Turkish center.

The IFM seeks to strengthen Türkiye’s position in global financial markets with modern infrastructure.

The partnership combines Hong Kong’s deep-rooted financial experience and presents significant potential for innovative solutions and sustainable growth for both Istanbul and Hong Kong.

The agreement includes setting up training programs, delegation visits, expert exchanges, organizing joint promotional events, and cooperation in technology.

Ahmet Ihsan Erdem, the Istanbul center’s CEO, said the deal marks a crucial milestone for Türkiye’s international standing, further solidifying its financial cooperation. He added that establishing a link between the two financial centers would help produce innovative solutions in financial services and technology.

Erdem also stressed that the partnership would enhance visibility, attract international investors, and create new opportunities for sustainable growth by strengthening the financial ecosystems of Istanbul and Hong Kong.

Writing by Emir Yildirim

Kaynak:Source of News

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