Istanbul's historic Kariye Mosque reopens after 79 years, holds 1st Friday prayers

Istanbul's historic Kariye Mosque reopens after 79 years, holds 1st Friday prayers

Building used as a church for many years before being converted into mosque during reign of Ottoman Empire's Sultan Bayezid II in 16th century

By Erol Degirmenci

ISTANBUL (AA) - Istanbul's historic Kariye Mosque was used for Friday prayers for the first time in 79 years after it reopened for worship.

After its construction, the building was used as a church for many years before being converted into a mosque during the reign of the Ottoman Empire's Sultan Bayezid II in the 16th century.

It was turned into a museum in 1945 and was placed under the administration of the Museums Directorate in 1948.

With the presidential decree dated Aug. 1, 2020, it became a mosque again.

Following the decision, restoration work began in the mosque and was completed after four years.

* Writing by Alperen Aktas in Istanbul

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