Junior doctors secure 22.3% pay rise in new government deal

Junior doctors secure 22.3% pay rise in new government deal

Landmark agreement follows series of industrial actions, including 44 days of strikes since March 2023

By Aysu Bicer

LONDON (AA) – UK junior doctors' leaders have reached a new pay deal with the government, which could result in a 22.3% wage increase over the next two years, British media reported on Monday.

This historic agreement comes after a series of industrial actions, including 44 days of strikes since March 2023, during which junior doctors demanded a 35% pay increase.

The strikes, part of broader NHS staff stoppages since Dec. 2022, have had a substantial impact, leading to the postponement of 1.5 million appointments, procedures, and operations.

The British Medical Association (BMA), the junior doctors' committee, has agreed on a 22.3% average pay increase for the fiscal years 2023/24 and 2024/25.

However, to formalize the agreement, tens of thousands of junior doctors will vote, with the final say on whether to accept it.

If the BMA members accept the deal, it will bring an end to the ongoing industrial action.

This decision comes after months of negotiations and disruptions in the NHS, highlighting the critical nature of addressing the pay concerns of junior doctors.

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