Karmod begins production of container site buildings for hotel projects in Portugal

Karmod begins production of container site buildings for hotel projects in Portugal

Buildings will be used for hotel construction projects in Lisbon and Porto

By Sibel Morrow

ISTANBUL (AA) - Turkish manufacturing company Karmod has commenced production of container site buildings to be used in two separate hotel projects in Portugal, the company said in a statement on Wednesday.

The site buildings will be used for hotel construction projects in Lisbon and Porto.

Karmod’s Southern Europe Coordinator Erdem Demirci said production of the 11 container site buildings will be completed within 15 days.

"We are making significant strides toward becoming a recognized brand in Portugal’s prefabricated building sector," Demirci said.

"In recent years, we have delivered several construction projects tailored specifically for Portugal. We completed three separate steel housing projects. Additionally, numerous security office buildings supplied by Karmod are already in use across Portugal," he added.

Demirci provided further details about the buildings being produced for the Lisbon and Porto hotel projects.

"We are manufacturing a diverse range of structures required for site mobilization. These include site offices, dormitories, dining halls, storage units, laundry facilities, and security buildings – a total of 11 buildings. After the 15-day production period, the structures will be shipped in demountable form. Our teams will then handle the on-site assembly and handover in Portugal," he said.

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